3 CMT piece roundover router bit sets

CMT?s roundover sets give you the maximum flexibility for all of your projects by putting the most requested diameters in one package. Available in 12,7mm (1/2") and 6,35mm (1/4") shanks. Roundover radii are 6,35mm (1/4"), 9,5mm (3/8") and 12,7mm (1/2").

These versatile bits are always in demand - the simple clean lines of a smooth roundover edge can be used in a wide variety of applications from picture frames to table and counter tops.

Material S Code Ava. Price Quantity
HW  6,35 mm. 838.001.11 product available
€ 73,29
VAT inc. € 90,14
HW  12,7 mm. 838.501.11 product available
€ 74,15
VAT inc. € 91,20

Spare parts

838.001.11 838.254.11
838.501.11 838.754.11

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